Without theory, there is no insight into the healthcare system and without empirical research, there is no sound knowledge - At 'bche' we go full circle.

Stefan Felder, Director bche

The Center of Excellence for Health Economics


Prof. Dr. Stefan Felder

The new Basel Center for Health Economics brings together experts from economics and medicine to conduct innovative research and teaching on pressing issues in today's healthcare system.

The Center focuses on a wide range of subjects, in particular health insurance, disease prevention and treatment, and government action in health insurance and healthcare markets.

A major goal of the bche is to connect academia with practice. Through partnerships with industry, healthcare providers, health insurers, administrators and policymakers, the Center will seek to direct research and teaching to the challenges facing healthcare professionals and policymakers today.

The unique combination of medical and economics expertise at the bche will contribute to relevant advances in health economics research and to the improvement of healthcare systems.