/ People

1. Annual meeting of the bche Advisory Board


From left to right: J. Winter, A. Hebborn, R. Buholzer, S. de Geest, A. Stutzer, E. Scheurer (guest), C. Kilchenmann, C. Meier. Missing: Y. Gilli, A. Levy.

On January 21, 2025, the bche Advisory Board met for the first time at the WWZ of the University of Basel.

The 9-member Advisory Board and the invited guest, Prof. Dr. Eva Scheurer (Dean of the Faculty of Medicine), were given an in-depth insight into the activities of the bche in its core areas of research and teaching. After a brief review of the Center's activities over the past year, the "Master's degree in Health Economics" project was presented. The representatives of the various research groups then presented exciting results from their current projects. Finally, those present engaged in an intensive discussion about the future positioning of the Center in the areas of research, teaching and public outreach. The board of directors and the bche office will take the findings with them in their efforts to further develop the bche and strengthen its visibility within the academy and the general public.

Prof. Dr. Stefan Felder
Director bche